The Intersecting and Symbiotic Reality of Migration and Christianity in Contemporary Discourse: A Theological Reflection

Michael Enyinwa Okoronkwo

Michael Enyinwa Okoronkwo
Migration, Christian theology/religion, Deus Migrator, Jesus, spirituality and faith, human reality.


The truth of migration as a global phenomenon and fact of human reality adds to the constant and radical evolving meaning of the concept. But of late scholars are gradually appreciating the role of Christian theology and religion in its quest, reminding the world of the transcendental and profound mission and goal of migration. It is on that basis that the attention of the reader is drawn to the intersecting and symbiotic reality of migration and Christian theology/religion. The paper takes an explanatory research stance with descriptive, historical and analytic methodological approaches. It criticised the subsidiary role assigned to Christian theology/religion in matters of migration. It contends that on the one hand, Christianity by its very nature is a migrant institution de facto and de jure, its God a Deus Migrator, and its founder, Jesus, a pragmatic and charismatic migrant per excellence. On the other hand, migration is fundamentally teleological, ecclesiological and eschatological.
Theology, spirituality and faith are among the essential components of migration, the latent forces that push, pull and sustain migration. Neither of migration nor Christian religion could be properly comprehended or articulated without the other. Hence any discussion of one without cognisance of the other amounts to a misrepresentation and mistreatment of the reality of humanity. The study is a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the relevance of Christian theology and religion in migration discourse. It is a call for a prophetic redefinition of migration in the light of new findings.

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