Constraints in Globalization: Nutrition and Diet in Perspective

Florence Ade-Famuyiwa

Florence Ade-Famuyiwa

Keywords: globalization, nutrition transition, non-communicable diseases, diet.   


While the impact of globalization cannot be overemphasized, there is a downside of the policy which is its implication in diet as a risk factor of non-communicable diseases. Studies indicate an increased consumption of western diet rich in saturated fats, salt, processed foods and a reduction in staple traditional foods. This nutrition transition has been implicated in the paradigm disease shift from communicable diseases, which has otherwise plagued sub-Saharan African to noncommunicable diseases. The central objective of this paper is to investigate how nutrition transition as a result of globalization affects traditional dietary pattern; The study based on health framework is used to explain the complex inter-relationship between globalization and nutritional transition. We conduct a desk analysis of literatures on medical sciences, epidemiology study, economic policies, in sub-Saharan Africa; the findings from this study are used to suggest appropriate policy that enhance trade and policy in sub-Saharan Africa.

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